a few birds and plants

Relationship between people and plants – In particular plants that are growing in the 'wrong place' according to us.

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“To give the mundane it’s beautiful due” (John Updike) an exhibition by Bob Negryn I was lucky enough to see while I was in Holland.

It is an exhibition that challenges our ideals of beauty and usefulness of objects. many of the items Bob Negryn used in his images are things we have often used once and then often discarded as useless. They had served their purposed, as the liquid they contained inside have been consumed, or the flowers were once fresh and beautiful.

Using these items as vases, at times in combination with fresh flowers, they suddenly are repurposed. They have become useful again for a moment in time.

bob-negryn-in-het-stedelijk-museum-kampen Bob Negryn. Tulip No 38. Laminated photo 120x80cm, 2012

I walked around this exhibition with my sister, who is not an artist, she mentioned afterwards that she got more out of seeing it again with me. She had not thought of the combination of used plastic bottles and beautiful, fresh flowers. Or questioned what the bottle shad once contained and had been used for.

Bob Negryn states that in his “pictures I give the objects the attention they deserve. I make the objects in my photos larger and more important than they are to emphasize our dependency on them, both practically and aesthetically. Practically in our daily routines and aesthetically by their shape and color are they witnessed our uncontrolled weakness and love for the artificial. The pictures are staged, but not artificial. Obviously, and particularly at a time. What we see, how much attention we pay to what we see? An artwork is a proposal, an unanswered question, also for the creator. There comes a time when utensils lose their ordinariness, have another meaning, becoming something else, bigger, more mysterious, abstract! A play of light and dark, color and texture, scale, volumes and voids. Voids which can be filled with content. How do we seek our happiness in the large amount of insignificant objects around us. Almost drowning in the plastic soup of our existence.

The provocative beauty of tulips and plastic bottles take us out of our daily drudgery, allowing us more appreciate everyday life.”

The images certainly were large, demanding of our attention. And they did question our attention to details, every day details, what we use, and then discard.

What was also in these works was the combination of ephemeral nature with manipulated nature. Real, fresh flowers were placed into vessels that had been created from natural products. But one will wilt and decompose, within a short time, to become part of nature again, while the other will take decades before it to once again becomes part of the natural cycle.

It raises the question: On which do we place more value? Does representing them like this add value?

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“Thinking is finding a way to achieve a goal that cannot be attained by an obvious action. We want to accomplish something but do not know how, so before we can act we must think.  (pg 31)

There is no “creative thinking,” just as there is no “creative walking.” Creation is a result – a place thinking may lead us. Before we can know how to create, we must know how to think. (pg 31)

Thinking involves observation and deduction.(pg 35) Begin with something familiar, evaluate it, solve any problem, and repeat. (pg 37)

Creating is taking steps, not making leaps; find a problem, solve it and repeat. Find new problems, new solutions and then new problems again: (pg 37)

Ask “why doesn’t it work?” (pg 46)

From the Book:
How to fly a horse; The Secret History of Creation, Invention and Discovery by Kevin Ashton

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how to fly a horse – The Secret History of Creation, Invention and Discovery by Kevin Ashton.

This book was recommended by a friend and it certainly has not disappointed.

It is a book filled with interesting historical inventions laced with creative inspiration, such as

“Stories of creation follow a path. Creation is destination, the consequence of acts that appear inconsequential by themselves but that, when accumulated, change the world. Creating is an ordinary act, creation its extraordinary outcome.”

“But creation comes for ordinary acts.”

“Work is the soul of creation. Work is getting up early and going home late, turning down dates and giving up weekends, writing and rewriting and reviewing and revising, rote and routine, staring down the doubt of a blank page, beginning when we do not know where to start, and not stopping when we cannot go on. It is no fun, romantic, or, most of the time even interesting. If we want to create, we must, in the words of Paul Gallico, open our veins and bleed.”

“To create is to work. It is that easy and that hard.”

“And all that is necessary is to begin.”

All of this sounds now like the masters I finished earlier this year – it was like that. My friends fell by the way side, as they simply didn’t understand why I was studying at my age, according to them I was boring not wanting to go out.

Somebody asked me recently what I missed from my masters (she too had done a masters, not in fine arts – so understood the involvement) –

I miss that stick behind the door with due dates and being challenged by others. But mostly I miss the complete indulgence a masters gives you. That complete immersion into your practice, as once you finish, first you breathe a sigh of relief and then you rebuild some of those broken friendships. And then life takes over.

So reading a book like this created a better understanding of why  you make so much headway in a masters programme. The trick is now to incorporate this same dedication into my practice.

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My current work explorations are a continuation from my seeing me not series.

These plants and how our vision of them is blurred and filled with judgements.


We have certain boundaries under which we see these plants and this influences how we enjoy their presence in our landscape.






untitled  – digital print 2015

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Working towards 2016 is gathering pace with 2 shows confirmed now:

6-23 February 2016 at Depot Artspace, Devonport Auckland. This is a group show with Justine Giles, Alex Mickell and Riley Claxton.

8 April – 7 May 2016 at Photospace Gallery, Wellington. This will be a solo show very exiting.

And am the curator for a themed portfolio, Called Altered Impressions, at the international print conference in Portland, USA:

30 March – 2 April  2016. Themed portfolio at SGCI Portland International Print conference. It comprises of 14 NZ artist, where each of us creates a print, but we are also producing a collaborative print. To follow the progress of this go here 



Life after finishing my masters in fine arts has been anything but settled. I had high hopes to continue my in-depth research, but many aspects of life have taken over and so far the reading has only amounted to reading and very little writing.

I have managed to visit a few exhibitions ,with yet to record my thinking about them, and get involved with a few group shows.

Two group shows that open this week are:

print2print at Studio One in Ponsonby in Auckland (NZ). This is a group show by Auckland branch members of the Central print council. It opens tomorrow and runs through till the 23rd april

It's A Colourful World I & II. Scrreenprint.2015. E Anderson

It’s A Colourful World I & II by Elle Anderson 2015

These prints are 20x20cm (size was a condition of the show) and had to have a relationship to each other. The way the world looks at plants is often at opposite ends of the spectrum, which is what I am commenting on with these 2 small prints.

My lightbox Ethereal will be part of a group show at Nathan Homestead, called Image Streams. The opening will be on thursday 2 April. The shows runs through till the 10th May 2015.ethereal.1

Ethereal by Elle Anderson 2014



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This is the final body of work for my Masters titled Seeing Me Not:

wild carrot flr



Crimson Grace

Digital print on Ilford gold cotton smooth 330gm. 600x880mm. 2015

gorse jpg


Digital print on Ilford gold cotton smooth 330gm. 600x880mm. 2015

blackberry stalk.2



White Reign

Digital print on Ilford gold cotton smooth 330gm. Approx.600x880mm. 2015

3 images on right wall



Screen printed digital image in light box. Approx. 590x870mm. 2015

blackberry hanging



Explorer’s Reach. 

Digital print on Ilford gold cotton smooth 330gm. 600x880mm. 2015

spirit vessels

Spirit Vessels.

Bleached plants, suspended in ethanol, in hand blown glass vessels. Variable. 2015

 Seeing Me Not

The speed of our lives continues to accelerate, moving us ever further, from the pace and rhythms of the natural world. My work attempts to slow the viewer down and bring into focus that which is often no longer seen. This ‘slowing down’, the recognition of the cycles of growth in our natural world, has redefined my own perception of the ordinary plants that surround us.

The specimens that have been the focus of my practice represent the ignored, the misunderstood, the undervalued. The plants that we often drive past or eliminate from our gardens.

By removing these plants from their natural environment and singling them out, I place the importance on the familiar and thereby invite the viewer to appreciate the individual plants on their own terms.

During this process I have tried to step beyond long established ideas of natural beauty, cultivated ideals and the traditional ways to display and document plants.

The influences in my practice range from traditional photographic to the more fact-focused representations of science. These influences have been further informed by my own botanical background.

For this body of work, it was my desire to disrupt traditional expectations of botanical imagery and create a new conversation about our perceptions of those familiar plants that surround us

Elle Anderson January 2015

spirit vessels #17Install detail of a Spirit Vessel

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“This business of seeing is a strange phenomenon. Most of us feel, that the higher up we climb the more we can see. As the world becomes a map spread out before us we think we see it all, a fast panorama we can grasp at a glance and examine at our leisure. But men who are used to looking at nature know that often the part may tell the story more truthfully than the whole.” from Edward Weston The photographer (1)

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see”. Edgar Degas – French Impressionist painter (2)

Examining our relationship with plants has been a central focus in my Masters work. In particular, I have considered our uneasy connection to certain species and our (often arbitrary) definition of ‘weeds’.  The evolution of my work over the past two years as I have explored themes of perception, value and decay, provide a context for my final show. Using processes involving deconstruction, preservation and
anamorphism, I have considered this human-plant relationship through an uneasy duality; my own sense of guardianship for these unloved plants and a desire to present them in a different light.

From a distance my work looks easily accessible – an array of plant-life specimens in jars, on glass, or presented as images; easily recognisable botanical representations.

But on closer inspection, they can catch the viewer off-guard. They are not the portraits they might first appear. In fact, they attempt to disrupt the viewer’s expectations of botanical imagery.

More traditional botanical art-forms focus on accuracy to represent the beauty of the natural world.  However my work often steps beyond traditional ideas of natural beauty, and at times it even manipulates the documenting of detail to subvert expectations of accuracy; an anticipated scientific perspective.  To engage the viewer, my work should pose questions. Is this botanical art, or have I walked into a science lab?  What am I looking at and how should I be viewing this? Are these plants wanted or unwanted, intentional or invasive; heroes or villains?  It is this juxtaposition, and the uncertainty it can create, that informs my current work.

Drawing on Flusser’s ideas of the artist as ‘functionary’, I have engaged directly with the natural world; choosing botanical subjects from my immediate environment.  A leaf, a seed or a plant, a subject that may seem commonplace, is then reinterpreted.  It is this potentiality, particularly within the overlooked and ignored, that pushes my work beyond the immediate and drives my practice.  This has led to many of my works having a more specific focus. The ‘weed’ has become the central subject; plants that are often unloved and devalued, seen but overlooked.

My Master’s work is inspired by a number of previous artists who have explored similar subjects and themes. Karl Blossfeldt gathered specimens, mostly along country tracks or railway embankments, or similar proletarian places, and his focus was often plants that were defined as weed species.(3)  His photographic images could be described as plant portraits, images of parts of plants, sometimes enlarged, arranged in the middle of the frame.

A similar representational approach is often a starting point within my own practice.  Plants are evenly lit and the subjects appear to be presented without manipulation.  Removing plants from their natural environment and placing them singly in the frame of the camera removes any distraction: it isolates each plant from its context and frees the viewer from forced associations.  It privileges my plant subjects as unique while borrowing elements from both minimalism and portraiture.  It is this ‘befriending’ (4) of weeds, singling them out from their often neglected environment, that I hope creates a tension in my work-  re-encoding something ordinary into something extra-ordinary.

In my more photographically derived work, it is through anamorphosis that I attempt to deny the viewer an easy and straightforward narrative.  My work contains intentional untruths, distortions both obvious and half-hidden.  Sometimes my un-truths are told directly in front of the lens, in much the same way as Fontcubertas Herbarium series.  However, while Fontcuberta presents the viewer with a series of pseudo-botanical images with attached Latin nomenclature to discourage closer examination of the compiled specimens (5), my manipulations are designed to quickly become evident to the viewer, changing or distorting their reading of the work.

Stephen Colbert defines the human tendency to attribute realism to a photographic image as ‘truthiness’ – what you want the facts to be, as opposed to what the facts are.(6)

In my Cabinet of Curiosities series, I used distortion and reflection to create ‘new’ botanical forms from old ones; a process that played with Colbert’s ‘truthiness’ as a starting point.

Many of my current works also draw on this human predisposition – the images appear to be real, credible botanical representations at first glance, but closer observation should lead the viewer to question this.  While the plants used as subjects are real, through my use of anamorphism, they appear to become something else.

This can create a wonderful conundrum for the viewer; deciding whether the work is reinforcing existing knowledge or mis-informing? Encountering this work in a gallery setting might accentuate this shifting perspective between perceived representations aligned with scienceor art.

And just as our connection with plant species can be uneasy or unclear, I believe my Masters work can not be easily classified.  It is clearly not straightforward botanical illustration, nor does it directly follow the conventions of photography.  However, my work does recognize and use elements from both of these forms.  But it is where these overlap (content that suggests recognition, composition that enables form, close up detail and framing that suggests portraiture) that has provided the richest ground for enquiry.  Other tropes such as notational uses, linked imagery, and preservation of scale, I have ignored.  Any ‘truths’ or expectations in the reading of the images are bought by the viewer, but, I hope, informed by my selective process.  In this sense, my work is clearly authorial; I am a narrator (perhaps a co-narrator), building and encoding images through processes of selection and rejection, of presentation and representation.  These works may be read in a direct way, much like a photogram, or alternatively, as a signifier of a world that surrounds us but with which we often have an uneasy relationship. 

Joyce Campbell is another artist whose work has informed my practice.  Many of her ambrotype in LA Botanicals are of ‘humble backyard blooms’ (7) that offer a similar binary of interpretive possibilities. Campbell’s ghostly images speak of a trace left; a fleeting meeting between immigrant, gardener and artist – echoes recreated through her ephemeral reproductions on glass.  Similarly, in my work there is often an uneasy, even awkward relationship between viewer and subject; a tension that reflects the weed’s own struggle for survival. These are plants that can be perceived (often depending on geography, history or cultural attitudes) as a boon or a pest, hero or villain.

In my Masters show, Seeing-Me-Not, I have further explored the idea of our uneasy relationship with the natural world through another binary; by walking a fine line between wholesome and unwholesome, between perceptions of caring and unkindness. The overriding ethos of my earlier practice has been environmental protectionism and my works have often been contextualised through my own paradigm of ‘a lover of plants’, an avid gardener who grows my own food and an artist expressing a concern for the environment.  But the works in Seeing-Me-Not, include specimens that have been bleached or enlarged or desiccated, processes that could either be seen as preservative or morbidly torturous.

In embracing these macabre elements, these works attempt to reference the almost parasitic relationship humans have come to have with some plant species; without us they might not survive at all. It is through our actions of clearing, cultivation and disruption of earth that environments are created where these plants can thrive.  In our own spaces, our gardens, a judgment can take place. A non-acceptance of plants we define as ‘weeds’.  However, in another duality,  we often have a more blasé attitude about these same plants once we look beyond our own boundaries.  In a different environment we might not even ‘see’ them. There is a love-hate relationship at play here, a seeing and not seeing. In Richard Mabey’s words,

“We habitually think of weeds as invaders, but in a precise sense they are also part of the heritage or legacy of a place, an ancestral presence, a time-biding genetic bank over which buildings and tinkerings are just an ephemeral carapace.” (8)

Process and presentation both serve to highlight this dichotomy.  For both my glass-vessel works (title?) and my photographic imagery (titles?) my process starts with the selection of objects.  The act of cleaning these specimens removes any last physical references to their originating location.  But I go further in eliminating each subject’s individuality by placing them in a bleach bath to die slowly, preserving their form while removing their colour, their energy.  As art works, they are presented in the form of colourless specimens in vessels or appear as de-saturated photographs.

While these works clearly reference certain scientific methodologies, they also hint at unethical, even ghoulish attitudes. Each bleached plant becomes a ghost of what it once was.  The process of removing the plant’s energy and colour by breaking down it’s chlorophyll with bleach has almost sadistic nuances – a blurring of ethical boundaries. The final images we are left with pose questions of how we perceive the natural world and how real or ‘un-filtered’ our contact with the plant world really is.  By removing colour and context, can we better observe the structure of the natural world?  Or are we simply seeking to control and simplify – to add another shelf to our cabinet-of-curiosities?

My practice is driven by both content and process; plants and trace making are evident in all my work to date.  But it is the duality of ‘seeing’ and ‘not seeing’ that has provided a particular focus for my Masters work; our interpretations of function and form and the ‘values’ we may apply to the opportunistic plants that are my subjects.  My love of plants and my own relationship with my subjects might well be questioned by the viewer. And in turn, the viewer might consider their own connection with the natural world.  But as an artist, the ultimate goal of my practice is to open up a conversation about our connection with plants.  As humans continue to reduce and destroy plant environments, perhaps we need a new perspective on our weeds’: they may be holding the bruised parts of the world together (9), the parts we often don’t consciously see, the spaces we have made otherwise barren.

“For though we may be the earth’s gardeners, WE are also its weeds. And we won’t get anywhere until we come to terms with this crucial ambiguity about our role – that we are at once the problem and the only possible solution to the problem”. (10)

Elle Anderson

(with editorial assistance by Brendan Weir, MCW)